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I’m a health and fitness coach who serves women at different life stages

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The Betty Rocker Show

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Love your body.

"How we look and feel is a byproduct of how we treat ourselves."

- Betty Rocker

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Respect your body in how you talk to yourself on the inside and out loud. Love your body with real, whole foods. Train your body in all the ways that feel good to you and keep you motivated and inspired. Rest your body to reap the rewards of your training. Support your body with coaches, practitioners and experts who help guide you.
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Nourish your mind.

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

- Wayne Dyer

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The education we intentionally pursue, the life experiences we have, the relationships we cultivate, and the insights we gain from staying open and curious are all essential aspects of the journey to a more fulfilling life. With reflection and introspection, we continuously expand the frameworks that empower us to live life to the fullest and create a better world for everyone to enjoy.
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Rock your life.

"Anything you can imagine, you can create."

- Oprah Winfrey

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Living life in alignment with what you value starts with loving yourself and understanding your intrinsic worth. The actions that you are taking to rock your life have an impact on all those you encounter and all those who look up to you. You are a leader by virtue of taking intentional action to create a healthy, happy, balanced life.You are an uplifter, a role model, a Betty Rocker!
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About betty rocker

About betty rocker

My name is Bree Argetsinger – but I’m also known as “The Betty Rocker,” a moniker I took on because it embodied what I saw as the best version of myself: a woman living an active, healthy lifestyle, a woman who loved herself, respected her body, took responsibility for her actions and herself, and was worthy of being a role model to those around her. A woman (a Betty) who was rocking not just her body, but her life.

This was the culmination of a long journey for me; I had to deliberately develop physical, mental and spiritual practices to support my goals, and starting out I had most things backwards. Intense experiences in my formative years left me with undiagnosed PTSD, depression, anxiety, and a lot of coping behaviors like drug and alcohol addiction, body dysmorphia, self loathing and feelings of unworthiness.

In seeking to heal and empower myself, I pursued many educational opportunities including formal education, mentorships, hands on learning experiences, workshops, EMDR therapy and a great deal of travel and self exploration, and eventually became a structural integrationist for many years, then later went on to become a CHEK certified exercise coach, an ISSA certified fitness nutrition practitioner, and founded The Betty Rocker brand to share some of the lifestyle, fitness and nutrition practices that had given me so much balance with others who would benefit from them as well.

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Success stories

"rock on Betties!"

My before and afters! Rock on Betties!

- Lani S.

30 Day Challenge Meal Plan

"You are stronger than you think."

What’s surprising me is what you said before “your stronger than you think.” I’ve been noticing when I feel I can’t do it any more I concentrate on it, and get it done.

- Claudia M.

#makefatcry Challenge

"I feel so much stronger!"

I started with the makefatcry 30 day challenge, and then did the 90 day challenge immediately following. I feel so much stronger. Initially it was impossible to get up off the ground without using my hands after having my baby. Now I can do reverse burpees! I signed up for the Bikini Body Challenge (in Rock Your Life).

- Courtney K.

90 Day Home Workout Challenge

"I am in the best health/shape I've ever been in."

Betty Rocker changed my life. I’m in the best health/shape I’ve ever been in. I did the 30 day and then went on to the 90 day. Finished it!! These are my results and I owe to you for the inspiration and drive to be the best I can be.  Thank you Bree! You are amazing!

- Jolene Y.

90 Day Home Workout Challenge

"Same weight - less inches!"

16 weeks of Home Workout Domination (I did it twice) – and I went gluten and dairy free. SAME WEIGHT – less inches! I’m moving on to Lioness, and I can’t wait to see my results!

- Theresa V.

Home Workout Domination

"This tribe and all the support that have been provided to me is so incredibly valuable..."

I’m getting ready to celebrate 3 years with this wonderful tribe. 2020 I started Betty Rocker with the 30 day challenge. I was tired and I hadn’t felt well in a long time. I did the 30 day and the 90 day and then I joined (Rock Your Life) and I started feeling a little better. I was focusing on my health more and listening to Bree’s podcasts, eating mindfully, getting sleep, etc. This tribe and all the support that have been provided to me is so incredibly valuable along with the knowledge I have now and continue to get is something I am incredibly grateful for.

- Meg N.

Rock Your Life
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14-day foundations of functional fitness

of functional fitness workshop

Make all of your workouts more effective with this Betty Rocker companion course, designed to Improve your posture and alignment in 15 minute video tutorials.

start the workshop today!

Just a few of our workshop topics you'll be enjoying:

Here are just a few of the classes you'll be taking:

  • Mobility Foundations
  • Yoga Foundations
  • Squat, Lunge and Deadlift Foundations
  • Pushing and Pulling Foundations

Available for free to all in order to help support improved body awareness, more effective workouts, and a longer lasting, safer practice in all of your daily movements - both on, and off the mat.