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My name is Bree Argetsinger – but I’m also “The Betty Rocker.”

I am a C.H.E.K. (Corrective Exercise and High-performance Kinesiology) certified Exercise Coach, a Nationally Certified Structural Integration Practitioner (realignment of the body through manual therapy), an ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association) certified fitness nutrition practitioner, and an all around fitness motivator and champion of personal growth.

I am the founder of Rock Your Life, an online fitness studio with live streaming home workout classes, 30 day Challenges, healthy recipes, and an empowering women's fitness community. Over 3 million people worldwide have taken my now famous free 30-day #makefatcry Challenge.

I work with people all over the world, helping them transform from the inside out! I invite you to listen to my podcast, The Betty Rocker Show to get to know me better and learn about the 4 Pillars of Health (which are sleep, nutrition, stress management and exercise) and the many ways you can rock your body and your life.

I created the betty rocker...

  • to empower you to live your life as the best version of you
  • so you can deepen your inner strength, and make choices that not only make you proud of yourself but that you want to model to others
  • to help you develop more confidence
  • to share my knowledge to help you make the best choices for yourself
  • to help you achieve the results you’re looking for while enjoying yourself along the way
  • so you can ROCK YOUR LIFE!

Love your body.

"How we look and feel is a byproduct of how we treat ourselves."

- Betty Rocker

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Respect your body in how you talk to yourself on the inside and out loud. Love your body with real, whole foods. Train your body in all the ways that feel good to you and keep you motivated and inspired. Rest your body to reap the rewards of your training. Support your body with coaches, practitioners and experts who help guide you.
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Nourish your mind.

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

- Wayne Dyer

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The education we intentionally pursue, the life experiences we have, the relationships we cultivate, and the insights we gain from staying open and curious are all essential aspects of the journey to a more fulfilling life. With reflection and introspection, we continuously expand the frameworks that empower us to live life to the fullest and create a better world for everyone to enjoy.
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Rock your life.

"Anything you can imagine, you can create."

- Oprah Winfrey

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Living life in alignment with what you value starts with loving yourself and understanding your intrinsic worth. The actions that you are taking to rock your life have an impact on all those you encounter and all those who look up to you. You are a leader by virtue of taking intentional action to create a healthy, happy, balanced life.You are an uplifter, a role model, a Betty Rocker!
online fitness studio

How did you become the "Betty Rocker?"

My passion for health and fitness developed after treating my body very badly for many years, and choosing to educate myself and do the work to develop good practices based on science, my own intuition and a deep love and compassion for other people who were struggling as well.

That compassion comes from the compassion I had to grow in myself to own my own fears and overcome the inner resistance and negative self talk I struggled with for years. One of my daily affirmations is “I am compassionate with myself and others” because I believe that to be in integrity I must practice on myself the things I talk about and tell others.

Growing up, I had a LOT of questions about what it meant to be healthy.

I used to think it was the size of my clothes, or my weight on the scale.

But the more I focused on those things, the more problems I had!

My weight fluctuated a lot – and despite my very consistent, active lifestyle and eating what I thought was a healthy diet, I couldn’t figure out why the flab wouldn’t come off my belly, and why sometimes I’d be up as much as 20-30 pounds.

I developed some pretty bad alcohol, drug and food addictions that probably came in large part from the lack of control I felt over my body, and my deep insecurities about how I measured up in a world that seemed to judge me for being either “smart enough” or “pretty enough” – but I didn’t give up.

I had studied nutrition in indigenous cultures at Tufts during my undergrad and as I began the process of healing my body from years of poor choices like undereating and overtraining, and healing my mind from years of negative self talk, I went back to my roots and began re-exploring the science of food and applying it to myself.

At the time, I was working as a structural integration practitioner with motorcycle racers and extreme sports athletes - helping them improve their posture and reduce pain.

My background in kinesiology and anatomy made me very curious to learn even more as I was healing myself, so I went back to school and got certified in fitness training and nutrition so I would be better able to apply those concepts to my own journey, and also help my clients at the time.

I started this blog in 2011 so I could share what I was learning with anyone out there who was interested, thinking no one would ever read it. Imagine my surprise when a year later, I got an email from the healthy eating specialist at Whole Foods Market, who wrote to tell me one of their store employees had lost 50 pounds over the past year, and when they asked her how she had successfully accomplished this she said “I read Betty Rocker’s blog!”

She was actually someone at my local store who worked in the produce section that I had befriended - and she would always look at my groceries and ask me how such a “little person” could “eat so much!” Meanwhile, she was skipping meals, starving herself and wondering why she kept packing on the pounds.

To make a long story short, I was invited to come teach cooking classes in the store - you can watch a video from my first class right here - and in those months that followed my class became so popular it was standing room only, and I developed the recipes and concepts that would soon become my signature eating system, The Body Fuel System!

Of course I’ve gone on to create many more healthy lifestyle programs - all of which are accessible to you right here on the website, and I’ve built an online community that I invite you to connect with me anytime on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

What's behind the name "Betty Rocker?"

Growing up I got called "Punk Rock Betty Crocker" a lot, but I actually chose
"Betty Rocker" for a different reason.

A lot of people who follow me have the impression I’m like this “rock” of a person, lol that’s my name, right Betty “Rock”er – and a lot of the reason I chose this name for my brand is because I do want to be like a rock for the people I take care of and model to – but it’s also because “Betty” to me was always like the universal word for a cool girl, like “she’s a Betty” – and Rocker wasn’t for Rock n’ Roll, it was for being able to ROCK at life.

I wasn’t always very sure of myself, and I wanted to be. I wanted to learn more and be more confident and make the best choices I could.

Choosing “Betty Rocker” felt a lot like choosing a name ANYONE could be,
any girl who wanted to feel like she could totally rock at anything she wanted to.

And it also felt like choosing something I could affirm to myself that I wanted to be true.

Like I wanted to BE a total rockstar in the kitchen, have a healthy body and live a life of integrity and purpose.


To me, every time I said that name, it felt like I was leaning into the best version of myself, and something that connected me to all the other women out there who were also striving to grow, transform, evolve, thrive and ROCK their life.

So just know that while I may be THE Betty Rocker, YOU are a Betty Rocker too, and you can ROCK in any way you choose.

I’m here to be a resource for you through this site and my programs, podcast and channels so you can live a healthier, longer life filled with purpose, meaning and happiness.

Ready to start #bettyrocking?

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The Betty Rocker Purpose, Meaning and Values

We welcome all women. We are dedicated to helping to ensure that all women have access to the most valuable information we can provide affecting their health and fitness with a combination of free resources and affordable programs.

The programs and content we create echo our shared values of health that starts on the inside, with a focus on empowerment, education, inclusivity, curiosity, expansion, self-love, and a desire to share resources for the upliftment of us all. How we look and feel is a byproduct of how we treat ourselves, and that comes from how we eat, how we train, and most importantly, how we think. Our thoughts become words, our words become actions, and our actions define who we are so in everything we do, we strive to connect the dots between actions and thoughts to create holistic, lasting and fulfilling lifestyle results.

We provide the same standard of guidance and support to all women in both our free and paid content, because we know that women are the life creators, the role models, the heart of the family, the ones who lead - and when we lift each other up and support each other, we lift the world up. When we help each other become stronger, the world is stronger.

And we believe that women of every background are capable of achieving —and deserve to enjoy—the highest possible standard of health, well-being, and happiness for themselves, their children, and their families for generations to come.

My team and I celebrate the beautiful diversity of women. In all of our work, we strive to use language and tools that are as inclusive as possible. We know that we don’t always manage to do this perfectly - partly because we are primarily focused on teaching tools that are supportive to fitness and nutrition, and partly because we are always learning and growing, finding our blind spots, and have the opportunity to expand our own container.

While it is our focus and scope of expertise to work in the health and fitness arena, the social container in which health, wellness, nutrition and fitness occurs is critical and we make a great amount of our content freely available to provide our readers with access to information and resources we believe all women (and those they influence) should have, as well as using a portion of our proceeds to support charitable organizations doing great good in the world for women.

All are welcome here. I am sorry for any way in which we inevitably fall short in the delivery of our content. When I do fall short, whether out of lack of examples that are representative for everyone we serve, or due to my own blind spots, what I want you to know without any doubt is that you are welcome and celebrated here exactly as you are today.

Thank you in advance for your patience and acknowledgement of our shared humanity, for our flawsomeness, for being a role model of your values to those who look up to you, and for being a Betty Rocker!

The Betty Rocker Brand Is...

Focused on long-term, sustainable and holistic health solutions

Rather than focusing on quick fix solutions, we focus on helping you identify long-term health habits so that you can create a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. We encourage you to find solutions that can be implemented into your unique life and that you can sustain for long-term success. Achieving goals is a great thing, but once you get there, then what? Without the foundation to support you, it can be a rollercoaster ride.

Creating an inclusive health space of acceptance, support and non-judgement for all women

We welcome women of all backgrounds, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, body type, eating preferences and more – in a judgement free zone where we seek to provide the best information we have available within our scope of practice so we can support your journey, wherever our paths happen to cross.

Focused on business integrity

Service: The foundation of The Betty Rocker brand rests on our 3 A’s: Answer, Acknowledge and Appreciate.  We are grateful for our customers and fans, and truly Appreciate your interest, comments, questions, time and your business. We Acknowledge your experience, your journey, and your uniqueness, and hope that we can serve you. We are here to Answer as many of your questions as we can – and when we don’t know the answer to your questions, we’ll try to help you find the answer to the best of our ability.

Programs: Our product pages provide clear and transparent information about our products, their costs, and how to get a refund. When you choose a product option with more than one payment, it is clearly stated on the product page so there are no surprises. We include support emails to ensure you get the most value out of your purchases, and to inform you of updates and features of your programs. We do not send spam emails, and you can unsubscribe from our emails easily at any time using the option at the bottom of every email. We are committed to serving you and supporting you, via email, via our free blog content,  on our social media, and inside of our products themselves. In the event technology fails us, we apologize for the things we can’t control like email servers, email deliverability and internet outages.

Scope: We do not make medical claims, or claims about how our products will work for each unique individual. The testimonials we share are from real people who have provided their stories to us, and are not indicative of how every product will work for every person. We cannot provide custom guidance around medical conditions, pre-existing conditions, illness or injuries – we encourage you to work with your primary care physician, physical therapist, coach or other practitioner who is acquainted with your health history and can provide more customized guidance.

Diversity: Our core team is made up of 70% women and 30% men, and includes the Team Betty Rocker coaching team, customer support team, marketing team, content team and technical team. Our team comes from 5 countries, ranges in age from 20’s to 60’s and includes multiple ethnicities, races, and backgrounds. We are proud to be a multicultural team with a strong female core. Due to our women-focused content and women reader, customer, and fan base, we tend to hire more women than men to meet the needs of our women readers and customers – and are also proud to have wonderful men on our team.

Dedicated to giving back

We are proud to support the work of the following charitable organizations. Click to learn more about them.

Just Like My Child and the Girl Power Project®

From their website: Empowered girls dramatically improve the wellbeing of their families, their communities, and their countries—multiplying the impact on society.

Since its inception in 2006, Just Like My Child Foundation (JLMC) has delivered healthcare services, education, microenterprise, social justice, leadership and empowerment programs to over 200,000 individuals—primarily women and children—in 76 rural communities in Central Uganda and Senegal.

Just Like My Child Foundation is the creator of the Girl Power Project®. It is a scientifically proven, evidence based curriculum which has been implemented in Central Uganda for the past 10 years, reaching girls, boys and communities through a two-year program. It is now being implemented in Native American communities in the United States, beginning with the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.

The program is designed to remove the obstacles that keep girls from continuing their education: gender-based violence, forced child marriage, early pregnancy, disease, and lack of menstrual hygiene. Through the program, a girl learns to value her body, her future, and her power within her community. She learns to use her voice to stand up for herself and others and to protect her potential. Boys and community members are engaged in understanding the value of elevating girls within the community.

“When you invest in a girl, the whole world benefits.”

The Arthur Whitmore Scholarship 

From their website: A Book Scholarship Specifically for HBCU Students, in memory of Arthur Whitmore.  Art Whitmore’s life was about togetherness and connectivity. He was a counselor and a motivator. He had an extremely successful career as an addiction specialist and mental health therapist for over twenty years.  Ray was the most sincere advocate you would ever meet. He owned ice cream trucks, restaurants and group homes, he was an investor and a giver, he was a listener and a compassionate soul.

The scholarship is now available at the following schools:

  1. Spelman College
  2. Norfolk State University (Art and Vons alma mater)
  3. Morehouse College
  4. NC A & T University
  5. Florida A & M University
  6. Tennessee State University
  7. Howard University
  8. Hampton University
  9. Tuskegee University
  10. Alabama A & M University
  11. Clark Atlanta University
  12. Southern University
  13. Grambling University
  14. Xavier University of Louisiana
  15. Virginia State University

Operation Freedom Paws

From their website: Operation Freedom Paws empowers veterans and individuals with disabilities to restore their freedom to live life by teaching them to train their own dogs, and certifying them as service dog teams.

Founded in January 2010, Operation Freedom Paws is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that matches dogs with individuals who have Post Traumatic Stress (PTS), Complex-Post Traumatic Stress (CPTS) and/or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) symptoms, or other physical, neurological, psychological or mobility needs.

We train the individual to train their own dog, and then certify them together as a service dog team. Most of the dogs come from rescue shelters. Each is then matched to a specific client’s physical and psychological needs. There is no charge – all we ask is a commitment to complete the 48-week training program.

This unique opportunity enables our clients to feel safe and secure, and to manage their day-to-day lives. The very special therapeutic canine-human relationship helps them get back out in their communities and begin to view their future with renewed hope.

“Four paws, two feet, one team.”

Feeding America

From their website: Feeding America’s Hungry Children Rescues Wasted Food And Provides Meals For Thousands Of Hungry Children. Feeding America’s Hungry Children helps rescue more than 2,402,700 pounds of Fresh Produce from being thrown away in Landfills every year.

Our mission is to provide a transportation link between national food products donors (who have the food surplus) and the independently operated food banks across the country who distribute this life-saving food to children who need it most with the support of a national network of donors just like you.

“Together We Can Solve Child Hunger”

The Loveland Foundation

From their website: Loveland Foundation is committed to showing up for communities of color in unique and powerful ways, with a particular focus on Black women and girls. Our resources and initiatives are collaborative and we prioritize opportunity, access, validation, and healing.

The Loveland Foundation was established in 2018 by Rachel Cargle in response to her widely successful birthday wish fundraiser, Therapy for Black Women and Girls. Her enthusiastic social media community raised over $250,000, which made it possible for Black women and girls nationally to receive therapy support. Black women and girls deserve access to healing, and that healing will impact generations.

The Loveland Foundation is the official continuation of this effort to bring opportunity and healing to communities of color, and especially to Black women and girls. Through fellowships, residency programs, listening tours, and more, ultimately we hope to contribute to both the empowerment and the liberation of the communities we serve.

“We are becoming the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

Black Girls Code

From their website: Black Girls CODE is devoted to showing the world that black girls can code, and do so much more. By reaching out to the community through workshops and after school programs, Black Girls CODE introduces computer coding lessons to young girls from underrepresented communities in programming languages such as Scratch or Ruby on Rails.

Black Girls CODE has set out to prove to the world that girls of every color have the skills to become the programmers of tomorrow. By promoting classes and programs we hope to grow the number of women of color working in technology and give underprivileged girls a chance to become the masters of their technological worlds.

Black Girls CODE’s ultimate goal is to provide African-American youth with the skills to occupy some of the 1.4 million computing job openings expected to be available in the U.S. by 2020, and to train 1 million girls by 2040.

“Imagine. Build. Create.”

World Wildlife Fund

From their website: For nearly 60 years, WWF has worked to help people and nature thrive. As the world’s leading conservation organization, WWF works in nearly 100 countries. At every level, we collaborate with people around the world to develop and deliver innovative solutions that protect communities, wildlife, and the places in which they live.

WWF works to help local communities conserve the natural resources they depend upon; transform markets and policies toward sustainability; and protect and restore species and their habitats. Our efforts ensure that the value of nature is reflected in decision-making from a local to a global scale.

WWF connects cutting-edge conservation science with the collective power of our partners in the field, more than one million supporters in the United States and five million globally, as well as partnerships with communities, companies, and governments.

Today, human activities put more pressure on nature than ever before, but it’s also people who have the power to change this trajectory. Together, we can address the greatest threats to life on this planet and protect the natural resources that sustain and inspire us.

Providing science-based education and multiple perspectives in health and wellness

All of the articles and material presented on our website are researched and referenced where applicable, and we are committed to providing information that aligns with the best and most current research available. With respect to science, there may be times where we feel science has fallen short, for instance in the research around women’s health, hormones and our menstrual cycle – all things which impact our ability to thrive.

In these cases, we do our best to present a combination of the available science, as well as the work of respected doctors, researchers and authors who have real experience working with women and can speak to the issues they see and the clinical experience they have. As always, our site does not replace medical advice from your doctor. Please consult a licensed professional when seeking any kind treatment.

Dedicated to working within our scope of practice, expertise and experience

While we provide general health and fitness education and information, it does not replace the directives or care of your individual health care practitioner, doctor, therapist or in-person coach you work with. Each individual we serve is unique, has a unique health history and needs, and we understand that. We do not provide guidance for injuries, rehab, or pre-existing conditions as we know from experience that you will best be served working hands on with a practitioner who can assess your needs, know your health history and take the best care of you at an individual level.

We will refer to specific practitioners in person when your needs are outside of our scope or ability to best serve you. Your safety and health are always our top priority. We don’t have all the answers – no one person ever will and we hope to be a supportive piece of your journey and provide you with tools to live more fulfilled, confident and strong healthy lifestyle.

Cultivating a healthy inside through, kindness, self-love, flawsomeness and an ‘all or something’ mentality for a more uplifted life experience

We believe health starts on the inside, and that kindness starts with self-kindness. Love starts with self-love. And we know we are not perfect, but that we strive to be our best and continue to grow – we are flawed and awesome (flawsome) and this empowers us to love ourselves as we grow and learn. We know we can’t ‘do it all’ so instead we focus on what we CAN do, and on what is ours to do.

We support other women. We look out for other women. And we model our values and our pursuit of health, both inside and out, to those around us through our daily actions.

Creating the space for you to #stopdropandbettyrock!

Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Pinterest!

Free Text.

14-day foundations of functional fitness

of functional fitness workshop


Make all of your workouts more effective with this Betty Rocker companion course, designed to Improve your posture and alignment in 15 minute video tutorials.

Just a few of our workshop topics you'll be enjoying:

Here are just a few of the classes you'll be taking:

  • Mobility Foundations
  • Squat, Lunge and Deadlift Foundations
  • Yoga Foundations
  • Pushing and Pulling Foundations
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Available for free to all in order to help support improved body awareness, more effective workouts, and a longer lasting, safer practice in all of your daily movements - both on, and off the mat.

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Transform your body from home in just 15 minutes a day!

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