I just finished 3 rounds of this awesome abs circuit and my core is ON FIRE! This is a great finisher to a workout that doesn’t have much core in it.
You could add it to the end or beginning of any other workout, as it doesn’t take long.
Save this routine and also grab my 30-day Abs and Booty CHALLENGE where you can do my best workouts for your core and glutes while training your entire body to shredded!
Remember that the more lean muscle you have on your body, the more calories you can burn at rest.
Eating a balanced diet plus HIIT plus strength training is the formula to amazing results.
To strengthen your core, definitely try these moves!
Low Impact Abs Circuit
- 30 Low Crosses: press your lower back down into the floor/mat. Hover your feet 6 inches above the ground and keep those legs straight. Alternate your feet back and forth.
- 15 Hip Lifts: these are an advanced move! Beginners, do legs up and down without the lift to build strength. Advanced try adding the hip lift. Keep that lower back pressing into the mat. Try to raise the legs straight up, not back toward your head
- 10 (each side) Alternating Side Planks: from a tall plank position, rotate to a side plank. Rotate back to start, then to the other side. At all times keep your body in a straight line. Don’t let your back arch or your hips dip down. Keep those wrists in line with your shoulders
- 30 Bicycle Crunches: keep the lower back pressed into the ground and don’t pull on your head/neck. Your hands are there for support. Draw your right knee to meet your left elbow. Repeat on the other side. Keep the other leg straight and hovering just above the floor.
Love training your abs? How about your booty?