Today’s full body ladder workout is fun, burns fat, and moves so quickly that it’s hard to get bored!
If you’ve never done a ladder workout before then you’re in for an awesome cardio and strength sesh.
For this workout, I suggest you have something elevated nearby like a chair, box or stair as well as something to use for resistance.
You can get creative here – I usually use full water bottles or light dumbbells, but you can use just about anything with some weight to it.
As always listen to your body and pace yourself with me in this workout. I’ll be offering lots of options so you can make it your own!
You are here, you are capable, and you are going to rock this workout!
Did you enjoy this workout? Then you will LOVE the Power Strength and Sculpt Challenge inside of Rock Your Life! The Power Strength and Sculpt Challenge consists of supersets, power yoga, cardio core and mobility workouts. This challenge will strengthen your entire body with an added focus on adding resistance combined with explosive cardio, mobility and core!
Full Body Ladder Sculpt
Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.Equipment: Elevated Surface, Weighted Objects (water bottles, gallon jugs, dumbbells, etc).
Format: Perform the prescribed amount of reps for move 1; then do move 2 + move 1 and so on, until you reach move 7 and complete all of the moves back down the ladder.
Move 1: Cross Body Climbers (30)
- Begin in a tall plank position with your core engaged and shoulders stacked over your hands.
- Keeping your hips down, run your knees diagonal across your midline toward your opposite elbow and back out one at a time.
- MOD: Do this move on an elevated surface by placing your hand on the edge of a couch or table.
Move 2: Alternating Curtsy Lunge to Kick (each side) (10)
- Begin standing with your core engaged and chest upright.
- Step your right foot back behind you and over to the left as your left knee bends.
- Ensure that your chest remains upright, and your left knee stays in line with your toe without shooting out over it.
- Drive through your front heel and as you come to standing powerfully kick your right leg out to the side like you’re kicking a punching bag.
- Return to standing and repeat on the other side.
- MOD: Hold on to a chair or wall to help stabilize yourself or perform reverse lunges, where rather than your knee coming behind your front heel at an angle, you step straight back.
Move 3: Single Leg V-Ups (10)
- Lay flat on your back with your arms and legs extended and your lower back pressed into the mat with your blueberry spine engaged.
- Keeping your chest open, use your abs to sit up while bringing your left leg to meet your torso, ending in a V sit position.
- Slowly bring yourself back to a lying position and repeat with your right leg.
- MOD: Keep your knees bent.
Move 4: Box Jumps (10)
- Begin standing, facing the box (or any elevated surface) you are jumping on to.
- Shoot your hips back and power through your heels to explode off the balls of your feet and onto the box (landing lightly and flat footed), using your arms to help propel you up to standing.
- Jump or step back down to the floor and repeat.
- MOD: Remove the jump and simply do a step up with alternating legs.
Move 5: Single Leg Hamstring Pull Throughs (10)
- Begin in a seated position on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, torso up tall, with your chest open wide and hands on the floor – fingers facing forward.
- Pressing your right heel into the mat, lift your hips up and through, squeezing your booty and the top to end in a reverse tabletop position with your left leg straight.
- Slowly lower yourself down and repeat on the other leg.
- MOD: Perform this with both legs on the ground or lie flat on the ground with your knees bent and perform a glute bridge.
Move 6: Reverse Flye to Biceps Curl (10)
- Begin standing with your weighted objects in your hands (palms facing you) and your core engaged.
- Hinge forward at the waist with your shoulders back and down and perform a reverse fly by lifting both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Return to standing.
- Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a bicep curl with both arms by curling the weights up to your shoulder while contracting your bicep (palms facing you).
- Reverse the movement to return to your starting position and repeat the fly and curl back and forth.
Move 7: Sumo Burpees (10)
- Begin standing with your feet wider than hip distance apart in a sumo squat stance.
- Bend your knees and plant your hands on the floor or mat in front of you (hands stacked directly below shoulders), jump or step your feet back into a tall plank position, holding your belly button in and up to keep your core engaged.
- Keep your core tight and do a push-up (optional) – jump or step your feet back to the outside of your hands, loading your weight in your heels and use your momentum to power up into a jump.
- MOD: Take the jump out and/or the push up if needed.
Way to go rockstar! How did you like this format? Check in below and let me know! I love hearing from you.
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