Ready to build lower body strength and power? I’ve got the perfect workout for you!
These supersets combine resistance training with cardio to boost your endurance, build muscle, burn fat, and make your workout time effective and efficient.
Focusing on resistance training will help you improve your body composition at any age. If you’re in perimenopause like me, or in postmenopause just past me, it’s important to start being more strategic with your workout training so you’re not burning yourself out overdoing the cardio, and that resistance training is a foundational part of your workout plan.
The Strong For Life Challenge (one of our many fun Rock Your Life challenges), is perfectly formatted for you to have the perfect balance of strength training, mobility and flexibility work, and just the right sprinkling of explosive cardio in the mix! Check it out right here!
You can do today’s workout at home with some optional weighted objects (water bottles, dumbbells or whatever you have), and an elevated surface.
Let’s go!
If you enjoyed that workout and are looking for a sequenced plan that will make the most of your training time, I invite you to join me in Rock Your Life!
Rock Your Life has options to meet you where you’re at right now….
- Time saving options: Challenges of all time frames: 15-20, 20-25, 20-30, 25-35, 30-40, 35-45, 45+
- Equipment options: bodyweight challenges, home equipment challenges (dumbbells), heavier equipment challenges (barbells)
- Training options: High impact options, Low impact options, progressive options, beginner options, form review options, resistance training throughout (optimal for women!), yoga, mobility, barre, kickboxing, weight training, and more!
Join us in Rock Your Life: a program for women, created by a woman who cares about YOU.
Sculpted Legs and Booty
Click to expand and see all workout move descriptionsEquipment: weighted objects, elevated surface
Format: perform each move for reps/time, repeat each superset 3 times.
Superset 1:
Broad Jumps (0:30-0:45)
- Begin standing at one end of the mat with feet hip distance apart, core braced, and chest upright.
- Drop down into a squat to load your weight into your heels and, engaging through the glutes, explosively jump to the other side of the mat.
- Turn around and repeat for allotted time.
- MOD: Make this low impact by taking a long stride forward lunge and squat on the other side of the mat. Turn around and repeat with a lunge on the opposite leg, ending with a squat. Continue alternating for allotted time.
Sumo Squats (8-12)
- Holding a weighted object in both hands at your shoulders, begin standing with your feet wider than hip distance, allowing your feet to turn out naturally.
- Engaging between your shoulder blades to keep the weights from rounding your shoulders, brace your core and send your hips back, keeping your chest up tall (don’t bend forward), weight back in your heels and knees actively tracking in line with your toes.
- Drive through your heels and squeeze your glutes as you power back to standing.
- Repeat for your max reps.
- MOD: Remove the weighted objects and perform this exercise with bodyweight only.
Superset 2:
Lateral Jump to Side Kick (0:45)
- Stand on the far left side of the mat, bend your knees, loading your weight in your heels and power through your feet to explode to the right side of your mat (use your arms to propel you).
- Land lightly with a braced core and evenly distribute your weight along each entire foot while allowing your hips and knees to bend to absorb force.
- Lean slightly to the right, feeling stable and strong through the right leg, and powerfully kick your left leg straight out to the right side by first lifting the knee up and then driving through the heel, as if you were kicking a door shut.
- Plant your right foot back down into a hip width stance and jump back laterally to the left, kicking your right leg.
- Repeat for allotted time.
- MOD: Make this low impact by taking out the jump and step one foot at a time over to the other side of the mat, and coming into a body squat on the other side.. Keep your core braced and your chest elevated, and drive through the heels to stand, finishing with a side kick. Repeat step over, squat, and kick for allotted time.
Bulgarian Split Squats (8-12 each side)
- Begin standing, a weighted object in each hand and with one foot on an elevated surface behind you, your feet hip width distance and spaced far apart enough for a good lunge position.
- Find your optimal foot positioning by sitting on the edge of your elevated surface so that the edge is right where your butt meets your thigh. Extend the working leg out straight; wherever your foot lands is where you should place it during this split squat.
- Ideally, your elevated surface will be no higher than your knee.
- Lower yourself down with control by bending your knees to the depth that is comfortable for you (ensure that your front knee isn’t buckling in or bowing out).
- As you stand up, drive through your front heel and come to standing.
- Repeat for your ax reps and switch sides.
- MOD: Perform this exercise body weight only, placing your hand against a wall for balance, or performing regular forward lunges on your mat.
- MOD 2: Perform a static lunge, keeping your feet in a lunge position as you drive up and come back down for your max reps.
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Superset 3:
Conventional Deadlifts (8-12)
- Begin standing with your feet hip distance apart, core braced, shoulders back and down, and weighted objects in hand.
- Push your hips down and back, hinging forward and bending your knees. Keep the weights close to your shins (at mid-shin) and lift your chest, straightening your back and dropping your hips down.
- Drive through your entire foot as you straighten your legs (imagine you’re pushing the earth away from you), keeping your weighted objects moving in a straight line close to your body.
- Feel your glutes and hamstrings working through this lift, and do not lean back at the top.
- MOD: Remove the weighted objects and do this move with just your bodyweight.
Jump Squat Pivot (0:30-0:45)
- Begin by standing tall with your feet hip distance apart, core braced, and chest upright.
- Send your hips back into a squat, keeping your chest up tall, weight in your heels, and knees tracking in line with your toes.
- Powerfully drive through your heels and posterior chain to explosively jump up and simultaneously pivot your body briefly to the left, landing softly on the balls of your feet.
- Immediately pivot your body back to facing forward, bending your knees to sit back into a squat position.
- Jump and pivot in the opposite direction.
- Continue rotating through this sequence for allotted time.
- MOD: Make this a low impact move by removing the jump and performing regular squats. You can also send your hips back to briefly touchdown on an elevated surface to guide proper squat form.
How did you like that workout? Check in below and let me know! Share this with a friend, and keep me posted on your progress!
You deserve the chance to really succeed – not just in the short term, but for LIFE…
…so tell me, isn’t it time to put aside the same old programs you keep repeating over and over, not giving your body a new stimulus to progress with?
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