Welcome to The Betty Rocker Show, the place to be to nourish your mind, love your body, and rock your life.
Today I’m talking to Dr. Jill Carnahan, a functional medicine practitioner who has been treating me for mold exposure and the cascading symptoms that came alongside that – including weight gain, low energy, hormone disruption and more.
Mold can disrupt our body’s natural detox pathways and places a heavier burden on our overall immune capacity. We discuss my personal experience with it, along with symptoms, tests she ran, my specific treatment protocol, and an overview of what she sees in her practice.
So many people have asked me about how I found out I had been exposed, what my symptoms were, and what treatments I have done I wanted to bring my own doctor on to help elaborate on this entire topic. You’ll hear all about my journey and get some great information to use yourself or pass on.
From her site: “Since my childhood, I have always been passionate about seeking answers to complex problems. I grew up on a farm, witnessing firsthand the resilience of life in the face of difficulty.
I decided to become a doctor because I strongly believed in the capacity of the human body to heal and overcome even the most dire circumstances – if given the right tools.”
In This Episode:
- How being a patient herself taught Dr. Jill the value of intuition [4:30]
- The numerous symptoms and effects of toxic mold exposure [12:20]
- How and why to test for toxins in your home and in your body [21:30]
- The effect of mold toxins on hormonal health [32:10]
- The power of self-love to support healing [40:30]
- Some treatment protocols for mold exposure [52:00]
- Affordable approaches to detoxification that you can do on your own [57:20]
This Week’s Challenge:
This week’s challenge is to notice and act on Dr. Jill’s core principles from her BLT Challenge in your own life.
Tag me on social media and let me know how you’re going to:
- Believe in yourself
- Love yourself and others
- Trust your intuition
I’m on Facebook and Instagram!
About Dr. Jill Carnahan
Dr. Jill is a functional medicine practitioner who I’ve been working with since moving to back to Colorado. She uses functional medicine to help patients find the root cause of their illness and identify nutritional and biochemical imbalances that may be contributing to their symptoms.
Dr. Jill searches for underlying triggers that contribute to her patients’ illness through cutting-edge lab testing and tailors the intervention to their specific individual needs.
She uses nutrition, supplements, lifestyle changes, or medication to treat illness, and always seeks the gentlest and least invasive way to help her patients find hope, restore health, and optimize healing.
Dr. Jill was dually board certified in Family Medicine in 2006-2016 and in Integrative Holistic Medicine since 2005. She founded the Methodist Center for Integrative Medicine in Peoria, Illinois in 2009 and worked there as medical director. Then, in 2010, she moved to Boulder, Colorado, and opened Flatiron Functional Medicine where she has a widely sought-after medical practice with a broad range of clinical services including nutritional consultations, chiropractic therapy, naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, and massage therapy.
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“What I’ve learned is to really trust my gut and then follow it up with great science. And because I do that as the clinician and as the partner in health with the patient, I really listen to the patient.” [6:03]
“You cannot truly love yourself if you don’t trust yourself.” [8:56]
“What we have is not just drugs and surgery. We have an arsenal of nutrition and diet and lifestyle. And the other piece of it that’s so critical is trying to really be a detective and see how we can actually reverse it.” [13:40]
“We have to come to that love and appreciation for what our body’s doing… Our body’s doing the right thing because what it’s doing is protecting us.” [41:36]
Key Takeaways From This Episode
- Your clinician should be your collaborator. Find one who listens to you and understands your individual needs.
- The first step to healing from mold exposure is testing. When you test both your home and your body for signs of exposure, you’ll gather the information needed to make a plan with your clinician.
- Although it sometimes needs extra help, your body knows how to detoxify. Appreciating and supporting your body’s natural ability to recover is an undeniable part of the healing process.
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Additional Links and Resources
Testing for mold in your home:
Testing for mold in your home with qPCR
Testing for mold in your home with ERMI
Companies that run tests for your body:
Binders used to treat mold:
Bulletproof Activated Charcoal
Prescription medications used to treat mold:
Cholestyramine (by prescription)
General system support:
Electrolytes for better hydration – Body Bio E-Lyte
Additional resources:
The Institute for Functional Medicine
The International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness
Whole Betty Full Body Collagen
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