Are you ready for a full body burn?
Join me in welcoming Coach Neesha to Team Betty Rocker, who will be rocking today’s super fun time-saving workout, designed to sculpt your body in all the right places while providing a solid high intensity interval training (HIIT) cardio boost.
Coach Neesha is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach in Rock Your Life.
What makes HIIT so awesome?
Studies show that regular HIIT exercise has a number of important benefits like significantly increasing both your aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels, boosting your metabolism, and strengthening your cardiovascular system (1).
Plus, HIIT workouts formatted like this one will build enhanced fast-twitch muscle fibers which are awesome for strength, power, and losing body fat while maintaining muscle mass (2).
Want to know more about the value of cardiovascular exercise and how to use it to your advantage? Read this!
This workout consists of squats, planks and more—all movements you can do using just your bodyweight absolutely anywhere!
Grab some water and a towel and get ready to sweat!
Great job with today’s workout! I love one-off workouts, but having a plan to follow is so much more effective. Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!
Full Body HIIT Burn
Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.Equipment: None
Format: Perform each mover for the prescribed time and repetitions and repeat for 3 rounds.
Move 1: Roll Up to Leg Scissors Variations (0:45)
- Lie down on your back with your arms by your sides and legs straight up in the air with your core engaged. Activate blueberry spine by gently pressing your lower back into the mat.
- Keeping a neutral spine, lift your upper back off the ground slightly to feel your abs contract.
- Slowly lower your legs down towards the ground as far as you can while maintaining blueberry spine and hold this position.
- Lower one leg slightly as you raise the other leg for a flutter kick and then switch legs. Focus on keeping your core engaged.
- MOD: Bend your knees instead of straightening your legs.
Move 2: Jump Squats (0:30)
- Begin in a squat position with your feet hip distance apart, core engaged, chest up, and keeping your weight in your heels.
- Shoot your hips back behind you for a squat, keeping your chest up tall weight back in your heels, and knees tracking your toes.
- Powerfully drive through your heels and posterior chain to explosively jump up and land softly on the balls of your feet to return to standing and repeat.
- MOD: Make this a low impact move by removing to jump or squatting down to a chair.
Move 3: Knee Drivers (0:30 each side)
- Start with your left foot behind you and your arms overhead.
- Pretend you are crushing a watermelon between your knee and your hands by driving your knee up toward your chest as you drive your elbow down to meet your knee.
- Repeat on the other leg.
Move 4: Jump Squat Pivots (0:30)
- Begin in a squat position with your feet hip distance apart, core engaged, chest up, and keeping your weight in your heels.
- Shoot your hips back behind you for a squat, keeping your chest up tall weight back in your heels, and knees tracking your toes.
- Powerfully drive through your heels and posterior chain to explosively jump up, and as you stand use your core to rotate to the left, softly land on the balls of your feet and rotate back to center to land in a squat.
- Squat down again and repeat to the right.
- Repeat back and forth for the prescribed repetitions.
- MOD: Make this a low impact move by removing the jump and driving your knees up and across your body one at a time before squatting back down. You can also squat down to a chair.
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Move 5: Down Dog to Plank (0:45)
- Begin in a tall plank position with your core engaged and your shoulders stacked over your hands.
- Come into a down dog position by pressing away from your hands and shifting your hips back and up toward the ceiling to end with your head in line with your arms. (Your weight should be evenly distributed between your palms, and your heels should reach toward the floor.)
- Shift back to your tall plank position, engaging your core and flattening your hips.
- MOD: Place hands on an elevated surface (chair, couch) or perform from a kneeling position.
- Optional: As you press back into your down dog, float one leg up so it’s in line with the rest of your body from your toe to your hand.
Move 6: Side Step Jump Squats (0:30)
- Begin in a squat position with your feet hip distance apart, core engaged, chest up, and keeping your weight in your heels.
- Send your hips back to lower down into a shallow squat.
- While in your squat, step your right foot out laterally, then follow with your right and repeat until you get to the other end of your mat.
- Perform a jump squat and then return to the other side of your mat and repeat.
- Remember to stay in your low squat the whole time.
- MOD: Stand up more in your squat as to not be so low and remove the jump from your squat.
You rocked that workout! Be sure to check in and let me and Coach Neesha know how you’re doing today – we love hearing from you!
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- Benda, Nathalie M.M., et. al. “Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training versus Continuous Training on Physical Fitness, Cardiovascular Function and Quality of Life in Heart Failure Patients.” PLOS One. October 2015. Web. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0141256
- Boutcher, Stephen H. “High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise and Fat Loss.” Journal of Obesity. November 2011. Web.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2991639/