Ready to shred? Join me for a super fun strength and cardio burn that will work your entire body.
These 6 moves will get your heart rate up and strengthen your muscles. Your muscles power every move you make, from walking to talking to standing upright.
Maintaining strong, healthy and balanced muscle tissue as you go through time will increase your quality of life, and give you a strong foundation to move at every age.
Muscle helps you with daily activities like carrying your groceries, walking up and down stairs, and picking up kids and pets. It protects your organs, surrounds and stabilizes your joints, and is what gives your body shape, “tightness” and strength.
(Read more about muscle and how it benefits you here)
Not to mention, intentionally focusing on strengthening your muscle will help you be a more efficient fat burner and improve your resting metabolic rate. When it comes to building muscle and keeping it supple and strong throughout your life, variety and consistency are the name of the game!
So grab some weighted objects for resistance (anything works – water bottles, laundry jugs or dumbbells) and join me for this awesome workout!
Show up today! You are so worth it!
One-off workouts are great, but having a plan to follow is even better! Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!
Full Body Shredding Supersets
Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.Equipment: Weighted Objects (dumbbells, water bottles, household objects), Elevated Surface
Format: Perform each move for the prescribed time and repetitions and repeat for 3 rounds.
Superset 1
Move 1: Burpee Double Jump (0:45)
- Begin standing with your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart.
- Bend your knees and plant your hands on the floor or mat in front of you (hands stacked directly below shoulders).
- Jump or step your feet back into a tall plank position, holding your belly button in and up to keep your core engaged.
- Keeping your core engaged, bring your body all the way down to the ground until your chest and thighs touch the ground.
- Powerfully press yourself back up to a tall plank position and then jump or step your feet back up towards your hands.
- Load your weight in your heels and powerfully drive up to perform 2 jump squats and repeat.
- MOD: Do this on an elevated surface and step your feet in and out for a lower impact movement.
Move 2: Donkey Kicks (0:45)
- Begin in a tabletop position with your shoulders stacked over your wrists, core engaged and neck and spine neutral.
- Keeping your knee bent, begin to lift your right leg and press your foot toward the ceiling while maintaining square hips and an engaged core.
- Use your glute to press your foot directly toward the ceiling and squeeze at the top.
- Bring your leg back down to starting position and repeat.
- Optional: Add a weight to the crease behind your knee for added resistance.
Move 3: Kickboxing Combos (0:45)
- Begin in a fighter stance and get light on your feet.
- Powerfully punch your left arm across your body to the right, letting the power come from your core. Return to center and repeat on the left side.
- Next, kick your right left up and across your body, imagining that you’re drawing a crescent with your foot (as high as you’re comfortable with). Return to center and repeat on the left side.
- MOD: Draw a crescent with your knee rather than a full kick. This is a great way to see how tight your hips are, and if one is tighter than the other.
Superset 2
Move 1: Lateral Delt Raise (8-12)
- Begin standing and holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged.
- Keeping the upper arms stationary, curl the weights up to your shoulders ending with your palms facing up.
- From this position, laterally lift your arms 90 degree position in front of you, leading with your elbows and ending with your palms facing down.
- Keeping your elbows in line with your shoulders, extend your forearms out to end in a T position with your arms.
- Reverse the movement to end in the position you started in and repeat for each repetition.
Move 2: Hip Thrusters (8-12)
- Position your back on an elevated surface (couch or chair). The edge of the surface should be at the base of your shoulder blades. Bend your knees and have them at 90 degrees.
- Drive through your heels to lift your hips to the ceiling, squeezing your glutes and keeping a tight core.
- Drop your hips back down toward the floor with control and repeat.
- MOD: Perform this on the ground rather than an elevated surface.
- Optional: Add weight to your hip crease for added resistance.
Move 3: Side Plank Toe Taps (0:30 each side)
- Begin in a side plank position with your elbow on the ground and your bottom knee bent and top leg extended straight out. (Be sure your hips are square and your shoulder is right over top of your elbow.
- Lift your top leg and tap your foot in front of your bottom foot, then behind it. Hold your core strong and keep your hips lifted off the ground.
- MOD: Perform this from an elevated surface with your elbow on a couch or ottoman.
- Optional: Extend both legs out as your hips are lifted rather than having your bottom knee bent.
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