I have a super fun full body sculpting workout for you today that will strengthen your muscles and get your heart pumping!
This workout is made up of 5 supersets to work your body from head to toe! Each of the strength moves will be paired with a cardio blast to support a healthy heart and fat burning.
You’ll want to have some weighted objects like dumbbells or water bottles handy – anything to add resistance to help strengthen your muscle tissue.
How we move, look and feel is all directly related to healthy muscle tissue. Your muscle powers every move you make, from walking to talking to standing upright. Maintaining strong, healthy and balanced muscle tissue as you go through time will increase your quality of life. (Read more about muscle and how it benefits you here)
As we age maintaining (or increasing) our muscular strength is imperative, not only for the metabolism-boosting capabilities but to help prevent many age-related struggles like loss of mobility, poor balance, loss of bone density, and lower energy.
I know that you’ll be feeling energized and strong by the end of this workout – so let’s get right to it!
Full Body Supersets
Click to expand and see all workout move descriptionsEquipment: Weighted Objects (water bottles, dumbbells, household objects), Elevated Surface
Format: Perform each movement for the prescribed time and repetitions and repeat each superset for 3 rounds.
Superset 1
Move 1: Front Raise Squat and Lateral Raises (8-12)
- Begin standing with your feet hip distance, holding your weighted objects in your hands, arms hanging straight down in front of you with your shoulders back and down to counter balance the weights pulling you forward.
- Send your hips back behind you, pulling your belly button in and up to engage your core, keeping your chest up tall (don’t bend forward), weight back in your heels and knees tracking in line with your toes.
- As you squat down, raise the weights straight up in front of your body for a front raise, ending with your palms facing the ground.
- Drive through your heels and squeeze your glutes as you power back to standing and slowly bring your arms back down with control.
- Once standing, lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and leading with your shoulders and elbows rather than your wrists.
- Return to center and repeat.
- MOD: Squat down to a chair to help cue you with good form in your squat so you’re not loading all your weight forward or bending at the waist).
Move 2: Cross Cross Jump Squat (0:30)
- Stand with feet slightly wider than hip distance apart, engage your core and shoot your booty back behind you as though you were going to sit on a chair – keeping the weight in your heels and chest up.
- Powerfully drive through your heels and posterior chain to explosively jump up and land softly on the balls of your feet to return to standing.
- Drive your right knee up and across your midline, rotating your torso as you bring your left elbow to meet your knee; repeat on the other leg and then back to the squat and repeat.
- MOD: Squat down to a chair to help cue you with good form in your squat so you’re not loading all your weight forward or bending at the waist.
Superset 2
Move 1: Sit Up Cross Punch (8-12)
- Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on the ground and lower back pressed gently into the mat.
- Use your abdominals to sit yourself up and punch your arms one at a time across your body.
- Lower yourself back down with control until you are back in your starting position and repeat.
Move 2: Burpee (0:30)
- Begin standing with your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart.
- Bend your knees and plant your hands on the floor or mat in front of you (hands stacked directly below shoulders).
- Jump or step your feet back into a tall plank position, holding your belly button in and up to keep your core engaged.
- Keeping your core engaged, bring your body all the way down to the ground until your chest and thighs touch the ground.
- Powerfully press yourself back up to a tall plank position and then jump or step your feet back up towards your hands.
- Load your weight in your heels and powerfully drive up to come to standing and jump at the top.
- MOD: Do this on an elevated surface and step your feet in and out for a lower impact movement.
Superset 3
Move 1: Sumo Squat to Upright Row (8-12)
- Begin standing with your feet wider than hip distance. Allow your feet to turn out naturally.
- Hold your weighted objects in your hands, arms hanging straight down in front of you with your shoulders back and down to counter balance the weights pulling you forward.
- Send your hips back behind you, pulling your belly button in and up to engage your core, keeping your chest up tall (don’t bend forward), weight back in your heels and knees tracking in line with your toes.
- Drive through your heels and squeeze your glutes as you power back to standing, drawing your weighted objects up and back evenly for a high pull row. Notice the muscles working between your shoulder blades.
- MOD: Use no weighted objects as you begin.
Move 2: Jump Switch Runners Lunge (0:30)
- Begin in a runner’s lunge position by coming into a tall plank and step one foot up to plant it next to your hand (ending with one leg straight out and the other bent with your foot next to your hand).
- With your weight in your front foot and your knees tracking your toes, lift your hips up and switch your front and back legs, landing lightly back in your lunge position and repeat.
- MOD: Perform this move from an elevated surface or step your feet in and out rather than jumping.
“I took progress pictures this morning. I have trouble seeing the changes in my photos usually but HOLY COW I’m super proud of myself! I finally SEE the difference. I’m grateful I found Betty Rocker, this amazing group of coaches and all the beautiful souls in RYL!!
Superset 4
Move 1: Seated CHEK Press (8-12)
- Begin seated and holding your weighted objects at 90 degrees with your arms in a goal post position, pulling your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged.
- From this position, press your arms up straight overhead with palms out and once you reach the top, rotate your palms to face each other and slowly bring your arms back down to a 90 degrees angle with your forearms parallel.
- Externally rotate your arms back out to your goal post position (palms will face outward at this point) and repeat.
Move 2: Surfer Pop-Ups (0:30)
- Begin standing with your core engaged and chest up tall.
- Bend your knees and plant your hands on the floor or mat in front of you (hands stacked directly below shoulders) and jump or step your feet back into a tall plank position, holding your belly button in and up to keep your core engaged.
- Jump or step your feet in toward your chest and over to the right side, landing in a deep squat with feet turned out. Pop up to do a jump squat and then plant your hands on the floor and jump back into a tall plank.
- On the next rep, jump your feet in toward your chest and to the left side and repeat.
- MOD: Perform this move from an elevated surface or step your feet in one at a time to the side and stand up in a body squat instead of jumping.
Superset 5: (2 rounds)
Move 1: Alternating Pulse Lunges (8-12)
- Begin standing with your feet hip distance apart and core engaged, holding a weighted object in each hand.
- Step your left foot forward and begin bending your knees until your back knee nearly touches the ground in a 90 degree angle (ensure your knee is not shooting out over your toe and maintain an upright chest).
- Driving through your front heel, slowly come up a few inches and then back down into the lunge for a pulse and then stand fully up to return to standing and repeat.
Move 2: Superwoman Lift (0:30)
- Begin lying on your stomach with your arms and legs extended.
- Lift your legs and arms off the mat together, using your lower back and glute strength.
- Hold this position for the allotted time focusing on keeping your shoulders down and your arms lifted.
- MOD: Begin by isolating your upper body only, leaving your legs on the mat for stability. Perform several upper body isolated lifts. Then perform several lower body isolated lifts. Work on isolated upper and lower body lifts until you feel comfortable putting them together.
Awesome job, Rockstar – I’m proud of you for giving it your all!
Leave me a comment below and let me know how you’re feeling, where you did this workout, and anything else you’d like to share! I love hearing from you!
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