Ready to Rock Your Body in 25 minutes?
I’ve got an awesome full body strength training circuit for you today!
I’ve paired cardio with strength moves to give you an epic cardio burn and muscle shredding workout all in one.
We’ll be building our endurance today and working our body head to toe while tuning in to our mind-body connection.
When it comes to strength training, it’s so important to be mindful of your form. Activating your glutes and engaging your core properly makes the workout more effective, helps you train efficiently, makes you stronger and prevents any injuries.
You probably already know that the Berry Green Protein is now available. I’ve been working on it for almost 2 years and I am SO excited to make it available to YOU!
You can shake it up in water on the go, blend it in a smoothie, and even bake with it. Your choice! It’s a great way to boost your greens for the day and get in an extra serving of protein which is so important for sculpting lean muscle. Plus it tastes delicious!
For this workout, I suggest you have something elevated nearby like a chair, box or ottoman (but no worries if you don’t – I’ll show you variations) as well as something to use for resistance. You can get creative here – I usually use full water bottles or dumbbells, but you can use just about anything with some weight to it.
Let’s do this!
Great work with today’s workout! Now let’s get you a plan to put workouts like this together in a complete sequence that will strengthen your entire body! Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!
Strength Circuits: Full Body
Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.Perform each superset for 3 rounds for the prescribed amount of reps and time. Rest as needed.
A1: Reverse Curtsy Side Knee (30 seconds)
- Start with your feet hip-width apart, core engaged.
- Step your right foot back behind you reaching out to the left like you are doing a curtsy.
- Begin bending your back knee until it nearly touches the ground in a 90 degree angle (ensure your knee is not shooting out over your toe and maintain an upright chest).
- As you stand up, power through your front heel, come to standing and drive your right knee up toward your shoulder to do a side crunch.
- Repeat on the other side.
- MOD: Hold on to an object to help stabilize yourself.
- Pro Tip: Add a squat in the middle.
A2: Hammer Curls (10 repetitions)
- Holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged.
- Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a hammer curl by curling the weight up to your shoulders and contracting your biceps.
- Reverse the movement to return your arms down by your sides.
B1: Burpees (30 seconds)
- Start in a standing position with your feet wider than hip distance apart.
- Bend your knees and plant your hands on the floor or mat in front of you (hands stacked directly below shoulders) and jump or step your feet back into a tall plank position, holding your belly button in and up to keep your core engaged.
- Keep your core tight and do a push-up (optional) – jump or step your feet back to the outside of your hands, loading your weight in your heels and use your momentum to power up into a jump.
- MOD: Take the jump out and/or the push up if needed.
B2: Reverse Flyes (10 repetitions)
- Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, and engage between your shoulders, core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand allowing your weights to hang beneath your chest and keeping your gaze neutral.
- With straight arms, fly the weights out to a T position, leading with your elbows and pulling from the base of your shoulder blades.
- Come back to center and repeat.
C1. Box Jumps (10 repetitions)
- Stand facing the box ( or any elevated surface) you are jumping on to.
- Squat down and power through your heels to explode off the balls of your feet onto the box (landing flat footed) and stand in full extension. Use your arms to help propel you up.
- MOD: Remove the jump and simply do step up with alternating legs.
C2. Incline pushups (30 seconds)
- Place your hands flat against the surface directly under your shoulders and extend your legs out behind you.
- Perform a push-up by lowering yourself to meet the surface, back flat, core engaged, and eyes focused about 6 inches in front of you.
- Keeping your core engaged the whole time and your neck in neutral alignment, push back up to your tall plank position.
- Pro Tip: Perform these pushups on the ground in a full plank pushup.
- Check out my Push Up Progression Tutorial for tips on perfecting form and building strength!
D1. Elevated Bridge Lifts (30 seconds)
- Come down to your mat, back is flat to the mat, feet are on a chair or elevated surface with knees bent.
- Engage your core by driving your lower back gently into the mat.
- Raise yourself up by pressing your heels into the elevated surface, squeezing your glutes and keeping a tight core.
- Reverse the movement to bring your body back down to the mat and repeat.
- MOD: Perform this exercise with your feet on the ground instead of elevated.
- Pro Tip: Add weight to your hip crease to add resistance.
D2. Dead Bugs (30 seconds)
- Lie face-up with your arms extended toward the ceiling, directly over your shoulders, and knees bent 90 degrees over hips, calves parallel to the floor.
- Keeping your shoulders down and feet flexed, engage your core and extend your right arm and left leg away from you until straight out.
- Immediately repeat on the opposite side.
- MOD: Keep knees bent and touch your heel down to the mat instead of extending.
- Pro Tip: Crunch your torso toward the ceiling and reach toward your toe on the side with the bent knee.
Awesome job Rockstar!
I always LOVE hearing from you, and learning where you did your workout, who was there, and how you’re taking care of yourself with your nutrition, stress management and sleep – the other 3 of the 4 pillars.
Check in below and let me know!
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